Now you might wonder what I am talking about and I can understand if you do. Here is some education of what a brazilian waxing is:

To put it simply, a brazilian waxing is the removal of all pubic hair except a little "decoration" or just coatless :)
So far so good. Finally I made my way into that studio with a smile on my face. I got a warm welcome and someone guided me into a small room with a nice comment to strip "downbelow". I stood there, nothing on my body except a white shirt and pink socks and waited.
The curtain lifted and the "executor" moved in. "Hello I am Sandra. Please lay down and spread your legs", she said to me in a friendly and professional tone. Except the Sandra-part I have heard that sentence a few times before already, maybe a tad hoarser but you can´t have everything.
I laid down, spread my legs and felt quite uneasy with displaying my little Mony to her. I calmed myself by thinking she might had seen something like that before and tried to relax. She stood right next to me and turned on a super duper light lamp to inspect my pubic area!
I dont think I remember someone looking with a flashlight at my pussy before so I felt just a bit uncomfortable.
"So....", she said. And put her head a bit more down inspecting my labias and butt now. I breathed deeply. I always get this red little dots on my face when I am insecure or very nervous, and that was such a situation. So...? What did that mean? Why did she say that?
"You wish a brazilian landing stripe?" she asked me and I could swear her tone was kind of disconcerting. Only able to nod I watched her preparing the torture equipment. At that moment I was about to jump off the bed and run. And maybe I should have done it because the rest of the session wasn`t very amusing.
I have waxed myself before so I thought I am aware of the pain it causes. But I had never waxed my pubic area before. My screams echoed through the whole shop and I almost fainted as she waxed my labias the third time. "There is still hair left", she said and I could swear to hear some kind of sadistic pleasure in her voice.
The real kicker was the final waxing of my battycrease. I didn`t know I have hair at that spot and I didn`t realize it would hurt so much! She looked at me slightly worried "Are you ok? Next time it won`t hurt so much anymore", and her steady smile made me wanting to put my fist right in her face. As if there would be a next time ever! I grunted and felt tears of pain running down my cheeks.
Sore and shocked I crawled down the bed, I felt like being tortured for hours. Releived to be still alive I put my pants back on and didn`t dare to look on my red swollen and painfully pulsating pussylips.
I was busy to leave the wax studio and noticed the receptionist smirked when I passed. I never went back there again.
But since I am having bad side effects from shaving which I don`t wanna mention here (!) I am considering doing it again. But I am really really afraid of it.
For all men: Yes, you can get a nice waxing too. Please choose your style :-)

Mmmmhmm, i like "The Pilot".
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