I am not a person of either black or white. I mean i can also see things grey, shadowed, shaded, nothing is always either the one or the other (even if my picture says different, hehe)
BUT when it comes to Gor i am a really back/white type of woman. I mean this world is man dominated. Hey you didnt knew that yet? Then welcome to the world of dumb slaves, coddled princesses with pink ribbons in their hair, femlaws carrying sword, bow and 10 daggers all in one and Masters whose name in SL is actually Master with a profile entry "i am strong, i am dangerous, blahblah" and whose every second sentence ends with "smiles".
Well i can live with that, really, i do. I´ve seen much in my SL-life so far and i am barely shocked about anything. There is only one thing that i wonder about. What the hell is "half-roleplay" and "semi-ooc"? Wait, i try to explain it like it had been explained to me (won`t mention names here):
Example for Semi-ooc:
There is a council meeting which is supposed to be ooc, everyone may speak their minds in the open chat, but slaves have to serve the Free (in IM`s so it wont bother the meeting) and they are suppose to address the Free still as Master/Mistress.
Wow, i needed a moment to think about what a crappy shit that is. My IM´s are always ooc, so why would i bring Masterdude1 a virtual mead he never drinks anyway? He will probably only answer with a "Thank you girl, go on serve others" and i spend maybe 20 minutes of my precious time to perform some serves which are no serves!? Its semi-ooc cause its not ooc but it is ooc the same time? I can speak my mind in a meeting but have to be aware of what my place it? So i have to act like a slave and talk the same time for example "oh no i dont want femlaws in our sim" or "DudeXY had done that, lets ban him", is that what semi-ooc means? That´s ooc in my eyes. And the biggest shit i`ve ever heard.
The latest thing i heard was "half-roleplay". Apparently a new trend. And it goes like the following:
You stand at a rather non-gorean-roleplay-environment, for example at the Hub, and act like you are in a tavern, probably the same as if you were in a HTML chat. You dont need any backgrounds, your story is that you are thirsty and need a drink or you are horny and need a fuck, or you are super horny and in need of a Master. FW`s dont need an NPC to travel alone , they are at a semi-roleplay area which means they are safe and can be flirty without risking a collar.
Apparently this is called half-roleplay in SL Gor. Wow i am impressed. I chosed SL to have both, the visual and the text to enjoy a suitable roleplay in a gorean environment as closest as possible and now the latest trend is "half-roleplay"? Played by people who are bored of handmade built sims, decorated with sweat and love and payed a lot of money for? I am so not getting it! Why cant they just say:"Hey i am too lazy to build a storyline, i prefer easy roleplay, i wanna just e-sechs or whatever and thats why i do this." Maybe we shall call it "easy-roleplay"or "roleplay-light"? Ha, now i am getting ideas *grins*.
Whatever, semi-ooc and half-roleplay is not me. I´d rather prefer full-perm-furring and double-IC ;-)
See ya!