Yes it's christmas today and I spend some time on my laptop to write about some thoughts I have. I have the worst cold I ever had since beginning of my life and I am suffering, probably I will drink a bottle of wine later and forget all about it haha.
I miss my father and this year it is the first year I dont spend christmas eve with my mother. Instead I sit with my sister and her husband, their kids and her husbands mother and the famous "Tante Irmchen" something like "Aunt Irmchen". I have never met her and I am not very eager to but it will probably be fun. I know that the mother of my sisters husband (let's call her Annie) is very friendly to Tante Irmchen, cause Tante Irmchen has a lot of money and owns some appartements. And Annie likes to travel and her best skill is to burn her money for some odd things like clothes, beauty surgeries and all that. Unfortunately Annie has no money anymore and Tante Irmchen doesnt wanna die. But Annie will get money and an appartement in case Tante Irmchen dies and so she is very friendly to her.
Knowing all that and knowing they dont know that I know gives me some sadistic pleasure and I know my sister and me will just lean back, sip our wine and grin to each other. Oh what a holy night! My sisters 2 kids will get a lot of presents except from Tante Irmchen I think, well did I mention she hates to spend her money on such odd things? Probably Annie likes it cause more will be left for her and I know we will have to listen to her complains about her poor life and how less money she has. I really pity her that she cannot do three cruises a year anymore and also no face lifting, life can really suck. I hope I won't laugh when her complains become louder and louder until my sisters husband will give her 100 Euro so she can at least buy herself something to eat the next day. He will probably give her 50 Euro more when my nephew accidently spill some redwine on her (new) Chanel dress.
I will lean back, enjoy the holy night and think how lucky I am with my no name skirt, my trinkets and my wrinkled face. In two days I will see my mother and that will be my real christmas eve.